1 metre is equal to 032808398950131 stick or 39370078740157 inches. Observe the much simpler metric rulers. Pin On Products Which means that 12 inches long ruler divided into 12 equal parts. . 75 meters to stick 246063 stick. It is equal to 100 centimeters 11000th of a kilometer or about 3937 inches. For example to find out how many inches there are in 2 meters multiply 2 by 393700787 that makes 7874 inches in 2 meters. It is abbreviated as in. We knew that the standard inch ruler is 12 inches long or 1 foot long. Note the evenly spaced lines of varying length sitting between the numbers printed on the rulers face. Comparatively a centimeter is equal to one one-hundredth of a meter. Meter to Inches Inches is the USCS unit mainly used to indicate length. Each line length represents a fraction of an inch. It is abbreviated as ft. Between the 14-inch lines sit the shorter 18-inch lines. 1m 10...